If They Can Do It, What’s Holding You Back?

I recently received an email from Ginny Condill, one of the attendees to the EntreLeadership event that I teach here in Nashville. They run The Great Pumpkin Patch in Arthur, IL. Yep, a pumpkin patch. One that will see 45,000 visitors in 6 weeks! They come from all over the country just for the experience.

They grow over 600 different kinds of pumpkins, have been featured on The Martha Stewart show, and were invited to bring their pumpkins to the White House for Halloween. And they brought three team members to EntreLeadership to learn how to grow their business. (Crud…did I really leave that pun in?) A few weeks later I received a really nice email from Ginny, and I wanted to share it with you:


Thank you so much for enlightening us and sharing the EntreLeadership knowledge with us! You and your team have not only changed our businesses, you have changed my life.  I think about our time at EntreLeadership all the time, and share with anyone and everyone who will listen. As a stay-at-home mom (when I am not working at one of our three businesses), I have found myself setting the tone for the day intentionally and catching my three young children doing things right!!!  It is amazing – so much of what we learned seems like common sense now that I have heard it!  There are a lot of little changes that we can do, without our team even knowing, that will have a dramatic impact on our culture.

I have never been more excited for a pumpkin season!  We are going to be the place that people HAVE to come back to.  I can’t wait to get our team lined out and get them on board.  I can’t wait to share our story with our team, so they can help share it with the 45,000 people who come to our farm. 

This is all because of the experience we had with you and the Dave Ramsey/EntreLeadership team. You guys made us feel empowered, important, and genuinely cared for!  I cannot thank you enough, and I cannot wait until we come back to the EntreLeadership 8 Day event – it is our goal now.

Thank you,

Ginny Condill, The Great Pumpkin Patch



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Meet Chris LoCurto


Chris has a heart for changing lives by helping people discover the life and business they really want.

Decades of personal and leadership development experience, as well as running multi-million dollar businesses, has made him an expert in life and business coaching. personality types, and communication styles.

Growing up in a small logging town near Lake Tahoe, California, Chris learned a strong work ethic at home from his full-time working mom. He began his leadership and training career in the corporate world, starting but at E'TRADE.

5 thoughts on “If They Can Do It, What’s Holding You Back?”

  1. Sounds like they are out of their gourd over Entreleadership. On a serious note, their place sounds like great family fun and their enthusiasm is contagious. It would be interesting to hear from them in 90, 180 and 365 days to hear some of the outcomes of what they implemented.

    1. Thanks for the great idea!!  It has been a little over a year since we went to EntreLeadership.  We have made so many changes, some big and some small, but have definitely seen a difference in our family and in our business.  One of the coolest things that has come out of changes is that family members are really starting to find their place in the business!  We are all working together and towards the same goals and doing what we love.  Our employees are happier, our customers are happier, we are happier!  I feel like we are well on our way to working together and trying to make changes that are necessary to make the businesses successful.

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