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Dan Rockwell, Leadership Freak, is on the podcast today. Dan drops a few leadership bombs on us during our chat on coaching and creating a coaching culture.
In this show you will learn:
- How Dan “fell into” coaching.
- Why hire a coach?
- The “aha” moments of coaching.
- Why the best coaches focus on the person.
- Dan’s goals for coaching
- The coaching style of leadership and it’s challenges.
- How you move leaders to a coaching culture.
- Micro Coaching Sessions
The bottom line is if you are looking to grow…hire a coach. It doesn’t matter if it’s business, golf, fitness or fashion. Get a coach and you instantly get the knowledge that comes with it.
The goal is to move the ball down the field and a coach makes sure that happens.
How To Expand A Small Business
Great episode Chris, Thanks Dan for being so practical with the information you shared. I am sure I will need to listen to this one again.
Chris and team, any feedback on what to do with team members who either:
1) have no desire to be coached
2) don’t follow through on action items from coaching sessions
Hello William,
Speaking from experience in coaching:
1. Be passionate about the growth of your client (If you are not passionate about them growing, then how can they be?)
2. Pick up extra coach training (most people do appreciate coaching, but not every client can be coached the same way)
3. DON’T FIX THEM! — Coaching isn’t about fixing them, but about helping them grow. –> Another way to put this practically: Highlight their growth, identify where they want to grow most, and work with them to build that plan.
This third piece is probably the hardest for a leader. Your client/team member will not accept your coaching if you focus just on where you want them to be. Instead, I might have them go through a career or life focused “Wheel of Life” (See Chris’ blog post on Ziglar’s Wheel of Life). Then ask them what they are recognizing as they do that exercise. Ask them about their HIGH points (we can get to the low points later). Ask them what makes the high points so high. Then ask them what would make those high points even better. Here is the fun part: Then ask them where else they would like to apply what they are learning about themselves. As you help them see how they are successful in one area, they tend to get a thirst for the other areas.
Goodness, there is no way to teach this stuff in a comment though. It is so fun to see a client move from not wanting coaching to personal growth.
Sufficed to say: If they don’t have your #1 (a desire to be coached), then there is no way they can have #2.
Thanks for the great feedback! Nothing like some drive-by coaching 🙂