Ask Rabbi Daniel Lapin Your Questions

I am very excited that Wednesday I go into the studio to record an EntreLeadership Podcast with a friend to our organization, Author and Rabbi, Daniel Lapin. He is the author of the absolutely incredible book, Thou Shall Prosper, Ten Commandments For Making Money

If you haven’t read it, you NEED to! Rabbi Lapin is an incredible authority on making money. If you would like the opportunity to ask him your questions, please leave them in the comments below. If possible, I would like the questions to be specific to his expertise and to him. Otherwise, ask away.



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Meet Chris LoCurto


Chris has a heart for changing lives by helping people discover the life and business they really want.

Decades of personal and leadership development experience, as well as running multi-million dollar businesses, has made him an expert in life and business coaching. personality types, and communication styles.

Growing up in a small logging town near Lake Tahoe, California, Chris learned a strong work ethic at home from his full-time working mom. He began his leadership and training career in the corporate world, starting but at E'TRADE.

15 thoughts on “Ask Rabbi Daniel Lapin Your Questions”

  1. What a great interview this will be!

    Rabbi Lapin, my question is this: have you ever walked through financial failure or very difficult financial times? What did you do to start building traction again and move through to the other side?

    Thank you so much if you decide to ask/answer this question.

    Best regards,

  2. Rabbi Lapin,

    What do you believe is the biggest hurdle the “spiritual” person must overcome to build wealth.

    Thank you sincerely!

  3. Rabbi Lapin, I’ve read Thou Shall Prosper and it was incredible. My question is: What is your interpretation about women in business when they have small children? We have one child and are planning for 1-2 more. I also have a great idea for a business (business plan written) but started to feel the tug to stay at home for a while. I’ve also noticed that many of the successful business owners that I admire (Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, etc) are men who had wives that stayed at home. My husband is very supportive of me working, but I also see his amazing potential and want to really support his career and ensure that he gets to where God wants him to be.

  4. Rabbi,

    I was living in a very densely populated area full of transients (people who are here for a while but don’t put down roots at all), and between the traffic and the entitlement mentality of many around me, my family and I felt that we needed to get away from that. It wasn’t until I moved to the country, a small community of 400 or so about an hour away from my work, that I was able to hear God’s voice telling me to start my own company and make it a place good people would want to work for the rest of their lives.

    How do I now reconcile the fact that while I’m close to the city, and in fact my office is in a very densely populated area, at night I still pack up and head back to a hermit-like existence far away from it all? Am I violating your second commandment or just making it hard on myself?

  5. Chris: Great choice of interview!

    Rabbi Lapin,

    Have read ‘Thou Shalt Prosper’ and enjoyed it immensely!

    Here’s my question:

    In a church culture that places a lot of value on accountability, how do you respond to those that think you should be giving more of your wealth away, specifically to the local church, to ‘even the playing field a bit’, above and beyond the tithe.


  6. Rabbi Lapin I am reading your book and love it – as well as your Thought Tools! My question is this – What I find most often is that people seemingly have no problem asking me fairly involved questions and expect me to help them for free. I have adjusted some of my coaching prices to make my services affordable in these times of economic instability. I understand people are struggling – but they almost expect me to help them for free – how would you suggest responding to them?

  7. LOVED “Thou Shall Prosper!” My question: I have a client who is just sure God called him into his business. This business isn’t producing and is, in fact, draining the family’s reserves. But he is “SURE” God called him into this business to the point of saying that if it fails, God willed it for a purpose. I feel the need to change his paradigm (and so does his wife). Your thoughts?

  8. My question:

    I’m well respected in my industry and have nearly topped out
    within my company. Other than my career,
    my family and I have felt for years that something is missing in our lives, we just aren’t thriving in the area where we live.
    We have identified a few potential markets to relocate to that we feel offer those missing benefits and offer a thriving atmosphere. The problem is I have a retirement plan with a no-compete clause that essentially makes me seemingly “un-obtainable” from a financial point of view in the markets that we want to relocate to. Now, I can jump into a different non-competing sector of my industry without jeopardizing my retirement plan, but it would be out of my area of expertise. I would be targeting a C level position.
    How could I market myself, quietly, for high level position to those we periodically do business with?

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