Let me start by saying thank you for your patience. I’ve been away from the blog for the last three weeks, and I will probably be scattered at best for the next few weeks. For more information about that, read What’s Going On? But I will try to get some of those incredible guest posts up as well.
On today’s episode of the EntreLeadership Podcast, I interviewed author and leadership expert, John Maxwell. The main focus was to be about his new book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, but it turned out to be one of the most incredible conversations I’ve had on the podcast! I think you will be blown away.
If you can’t see the graphic, click here.
As a bonus, John is also giving away five free copies of The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. In order to qualify, you must first:
- Leave a comment below by answering the question.
- Fill out the contact form. Don’t put your mailing info in the comment.
- Tweet a link to this post. Click to Tweet. If you don’t have Twitter, you can use Facebook.
I will pick the winners on October 12 based on the comments and promotion of the post. If you are selected, I will notify you by email. Thanks everyone!
Question: Why do you need John’s book?
Oh, man, Chris, where to start?
I’m getting ready to launch my new company here in the next month or two as an independent contractor when suddenly a new opportunity presents itself and I’m looking at the possibility of having a part-time employee working for me down at the CDC in Atlanta. Cool, yes, but suddenly, everything got about 100 times more real. Kind of like the day you realize you’re really married and all your decisions affect another human being.
And the closer I get to that next door, the more I see on the other side and the more doors I see past this one I’m opening now and it’s more than a little overwhelming. Negotiation skills, time management, EntreLeadership, salesmanship, strategy, hiring, equipping the company to serve more than just me, payment plans, benefits….
Boy, do I need to grow. And while it’s tempting to want to grow fast, I know that’s not the way. It may work for bamboo, but I’m more like an Aspen tree, I think. If I grow fast, I’ll grow brittle and not have any worth as structural timber.
Maybe the Tiger Cub scout troop I just volunteered to lead will help me figure it all out. They’re a pretty forgiving bunch….
Either way, this book is definitely on my must-read list now. Thanks for a fantastic interview!
Bret, I’ve seen your stak of books, what book ISN’T on yor must read list?? Haha I completely agree, as I am transitioning into a new phase in my life these principles are definitely on the top of the list of what I need to learn. I’ll have I craft a growth plan just to read and apply John’s book 😉
Yeah… let’s move some from the MUST read to the HAVE read list. :0)
I’m working on it. Reading EntreLeadership now, along with Quitter and the 30-day Strong Fathers Strong Daughters challenge. And the Art of NonConformity. Probably another one that I can’t think of right now.
Haha. My wife gets so mad at me cuz I have like 8 unfinished books 🙂 although I’ve finished 2 in the past week! I’m on a roll!!
I forgot that I’m also reading “A Horse and His Boy” to the kids.
That idea sounds interesting.
Skropp’s right. I also need to grow in the area of speedreading and reading comprehension too.
Bret! That,s entrepreneurism unleashed…
What an awesome podcast!!! I had to listen to it a couple times and I still don’t think I got it all in. Growing intentionally seems simple enough, but it’s not that evident to most of us.
You can’t grow yourself if you’re not growing others. What a concept! Stretch yourself like a rubber band! Love that one!
I think my favorite is stepping out of your comfort zone, but not outside of your gift zone. I don’t think I want to be a race car driver like Chris, but I can definitely do a PowerPoint or Prezi about it and put in some killer photoshop images.
What I also learned is that we don’t have to be good at everything, but we have the power to be the best at one or two things if we have a plan.
So thanks Chris and Tribe friends for helping me grow a little more every day… (metaphorically speaking).
Haha. A personal short joke…love it!
LOL | Short joke | LOL
Nana nana boo boo.
“we don’t have to be good at everything.” – I have experiences this in my life Lily!
Wow Chris! What a great interview! I’ll get to why I would like his book in a second.
First off, this interview was awesome on its own, but what really made it epic was your attitude towards it. I could tell you weren’t just asking questions, you were on the edge of your seat wanting to learn! And it made for an AMAZING interview.
Now, there were way to much burnt rice within that interview to list, suffice it to say, it has renewed my determination to become much more intentional on growing. I know growing is important, and I try to learn daily, but I really lack a concrete plan to get it done!
Now, why I need this book. I believe this book will help me to craft that concrete plan that I need to really grow and develop as a person, father, husband, and leader. I’ve got a TON of room to improve (just ask my wife) and I can’t wait to do so in a more effective, intentional manner!
Same here… intention vs plan… not the same thing.
I actually did almost burn some lemon grass chicken and spinach. “If you’re at the head of the class, you’re in the wrong class.” Burn.
Oh yeah – I forgot about that quote – this was so FULL of amazing things!
A meal that includes the words “lemon grass” and “spinach” DESERVES to be burned.. Haha
Meh. It was a surprisingly tasty lunch, thank you 🙂
I’m glad it was tasty…but all I can think of now is a paraphrase of a founding father quote, Patrick Henry or Thomas Paine, I think. “May history forget that you were ever my countryman” if that’s what you eat!! 😉
Two words for you: Feta cheese.
Like that quote. 🙂 🙂 : )
Brother, working on that plan has consumed me since I started listening to this podcast. This is one of the few that I’ve honestly replayed, and I’m on my third run-through today. He’ll say something, I get to musing on it, and by the time I realize it, Chris is wrapping things up again!
Bret, my only question is, this is the first podcast you’ve honestly replayed…how many have you DIShonestly replayed?
That’s all, that’s the extent of my contribution today 😉
Everyone’s a critic. 😉
Yeah. Really…
Somehow I don’t think that your contribution will stop there…
“TON of room to improve” — Ditto here Mark!
I need John’s book to add the my leadership book collection. lol! I’m just kidding. But really I got the least book, Five Levels of Leadership the same day I bought EntreLeadership and they books have helped my grow much over the last year. I use John’s 5 Level to train up my leaders and grow myself at the same time. Not only my leaders but my family as well. EntreLeadership helps with the business side of everything. I use both books as a reference guide (along with 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller). But with this new books since the topic is specifically growth, I can get a more focus attention and now how to apply them to the Five Levels and EntreLeadership. I can use it as a plan for growth and to measure that growth. Like Dave says you cannot inspect what you do not expect. Or is it the other way? You cannot expect what you don’t inspect. I need to inspect that growth that I desire and expect.
God bless Christ!
Ricardo at RicardoEquips
You made me laugh Ricardo. I was going to say I need the book because I have an empty spot on my bookshelf.
Least or the last book? (Five Levels of Leadership )
I’m stuck. I’ve recently come to the realization that setting goals and accomplishing them is unsatisfying. The result is that I “did” something, so what? I need to work on personal transformation to “become” something. I’ve started to read more about excellence and leadership and John’s new book seems like the right fit for me. Getting a copy means I don’t have to wait for the library copy to become available. 😉
That true John! Getting struck is never going to be final or fatal.
Very true, John. It’s not just want you do, but who you are.
I need to push past the ‘complacency’ of being mediocre. I think that comes with realizing my value and the service that I offer through my business. I do outstanding work- what is the shame in promoting that? I definitely need some inspiration to grow. Perhaps the book (and a good talking to) will be just the medicine I need.
“Pushing past the complacency of being mediocre” that says a ton! I hear ya there!! Great comment!
This is one of the few books out of the 11,394 books that John has written that I don’t have yet and it may be the most interesting to me.
I love leadership but personal growth…now this is something I am glad John is talking about. Based on the podcast alone, this is one amazing book. I would love to read it!
I like the stories you tell yourself… ;0)
I need this book because I have not yet become the “Best Chris Hoffman” that I want to become.
I’m nowhere close to the “Best Chris Hoffman” either. Hope that consoles you a little.
I gotta ask, are you “the best” anything?? (Sorry, you leave one out over the plate like that you know it’s going upper deck Matt…)
John Maxwell is the king of productivity and leadership. I never grow weary of listening, watching, or reading up on this what this icon has to say. He’s one of those people that discusses a point (on any topic) and makes you think, “How does he make it sound so easy?” He explains ANYTHING as if he’s teaching you 2+2=4.
Most of us may or may not figure it out on our own, but never as easy as his 2+2, it’s more like our 1+ 3 -1 x 10 ÷ 6 -1. He makes it sound so simple and eloquent.
A true Jedi master in leadership.
Great analogy with your math Scott. He does make it simple. I am always shocked at the number of aha’s I have reading his books!
Ahhh, John in a robe and a light saber.. I like it!
Should I try to photoshop that??
Done. Check your inbox.
A leader John Maxwell is.
Obi John Kanobi
I totally agree. Making it appear so easy is very difficult.
It is amazing how simple a lot of leadership skills are! And the fact that it was so second nature to John that he woke up in the middle of the night and had the 15 laws outlined by noon.
Chris, I hope things are looking up for your step-daughter. That has to be rough. She’s still in our prayers.
John is always inspiring and encouraging. So happy to see a new book has been released.
While I don’t NEED his new book, I would greatly like a copy. My team and I find ourselves in places of stagnancy and I believe this book could help us move forward when we’re stuck in those places.
What an awesome podcast!! Absolutely the best yet from you Chris! So many take away on this one podcast where to begin…Quote from Paul Harvey was awesome and encouraging, the Rubber band Law was great….just so many great things…already I have been asking my friends what is personal growth plan?
Also the part of competition especially hit home with me, as a young entreleader “Eagle”, and HIGH D, I am highly competitive by nature. This helps me with act of serving others as RabbI Daniel Lapin puts it, but also tells me where I need to be in-order to continue growing.
I am hoping to get the book, as it seems to be a must read on my personal growth plan…FYI my second copy of Entreleader just came in and already its been lent out to a friend….oh well, that what this all about right?
Keep up the great work, me and my wife enjoy listening at separate times then exchanging what our take aways were in the evening!
I would like to receive John’s new book because as a young man i would like the wisdom that John gives in my life and be able to share it with others in my life. Love the way John leads and teaches. God Bless for all you do.
I went to a “basic training” for my business on Saturday and the person who led it said we we should be learning, learning, learning. So I started looking for podcasts I could listen to in my car or other times. I discovered EntreLeadership and was so excited to listen to John Maxwell. I use to receive monthly cds from Mr. Maxwell’s leadership program and I’ve been to simulcast program. To answer the question: Why do I need John’s book?
I need it so I can continue to grow “me” and to grow my business. I think I’ve been counting on “accidental growth” and it’s time to turn that focus to “Intentional Growth”.
Even if I don’t get a free copy, I may buy it. I will definitely be listening to more of your podcasts. Thank you!
Sorry, this posted AFTER I registered.
I need John’s book because:
a. The man is a leadership legend
b. Growth is the opposite of entropy and I don’t want entropy
c. I’m mature, but I’m not fully grown (personal growth is never ending)
Good job, Chris. Hoping all goes well for your family!
Amazing stuff Chris! Your energy and excitement added to what was already a great podcast. Love Dave’s teaching on the wheel of life – I struggle so much with remembering to develop all the spokes. And bowls and bowls full of awesomeness with John Maxwell!
I especially liked the idea of stepping outside your comfort zone but staying in your strength zone. I feel like almost everything I have done this year has been outside my comfort zone, but I do need to be careful that it is still in my strengths.
Loved the idea that you are either repairing or preparing. Need to practice intentional growth. And how scary that if I’m not on a personal growth plan then doors may quit opening. So much burnt rice!!
I have plans and goals, but I would love to have this book to develop my own personal growth plan with guidance from the best.
Continued prayers for Chelsea and your family. May God speed her healing and recovery.
I like that idea of repairing and preparing!
Why DON’T I need Johns book? I need Johns book ….. Because I work in a male dominated work force. Because I need to have a stronger voice in my career. Because I need to absorb as much knowledge as possible every single day to stay competitive. Because I’ve heard great things about John Maxwell but haven’t read any of his books yet. Because I said please.
with sugar on top?
Of COURSE with sugar on top….there is no other way to have it. 🙂
I need the book because I too am writing a book and need insight into personal growth to help me finish! Would be great to learn from one of the best!
What are your writing about?
I need this book so that everyone else reading it does not personally grow quicker or more than I! 😉 Seriously though, I was had some good momentum growing personally for a while, but for the last several years, it seems I have let the assumption and perfection gaps come between me and growth. John Maxwell is solid. I have heard his principles taught before, but it wasn’t until I picked up his book(s) that things began to click. From the interview, I believe this book will help me set up a personal growth plan and catapult me into another life long endeavor as have all of John’s other books! Great interview Chris!
Great post today Chris. Thanks for bringing John to us. I have tweeted this post a couple of times today. I have also shared the lesson with a friend who needed to hear it. Thanks again.
I’m thirty years old and, other than my adorable little family, I don’t have much to show for my life. I have a yearning in my heart to do so much more than make nifty spreadsheet exhibits. I want to make a difference in the world and could use a little boost to get going in the right direction.
John, I hear where you’re coming from man. I don’t feel like I’ve got much to show either at times. But hang in there! Something’s always around the next bend! Still a long ways to go to the finish line!
As John Maxwell said, start being intentional. It starts by doing something on purpose. I don’t know your religious standing, but the Bible says that the “steps” of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Have goals, but focus on the next step.
And to add to what @jwrivers:disqus and @marksieverkropp:disqus not sure if it was mentioned in the interview, but you’ll hear it if you stick around long enough either from Dave Ramsey or Chris LoCurto or others here – your first place of ‘doing so much more’ is always with your family. I bet you’re impacting there! That counts big time. 🙂
As an aspiring speaker, I understand the importance of a personal development plan. This book would be very beneficial to me as I am working on enhancing my goals. Knowing the laws of growth will help me create a great plan that I can use in my career.
I’ve been “getting started” since 2003 and I still haven’t opened the first door. It’s time to grow forward, intentionally.
As a 26 year old, this interview really encouraged me. I’ve been trying to be more intentional about my personal development this year, and hearing from John that he started at the same age I am is an incredible inspiration and encouragement.
It’s so tempting to think “it’s too late” when really, now is the best time to start, even if it seems like I should have had everything figured out by now.
I’d love to get my hands on this book to continue working on my personal growth because the guiding principles will help me get to where I want to go, and help the people I want to help…though I understand that this is a never ending process!
Also, I loved the section in the interview about being in the wrong class if you are at the top of the class. It sparked in me a desire to go out and find those people who are smarter, better, and more successful than me and learn from them!
I hope it’s not too late — I’m 47!
Woooow…people can live that long?? Haha jk 🙂
If you’re very careful, yes. It has been known to happen. Methuselah, Keith Richards. Me.
Not if they keep commenting on other people’s age…
If you are top in the class you are in the wrong class!
I might even say you could take it one step further and as you move closer to the front of the class you should start looking for a new class, I would guess the rate at which you are growing slows down the closer you get to the front of the class. My real question on this one is how do you find the groups of people to be around to help you grow? Is it commenting on blogs like this, or what are the methods to get involved in theses “classes”?
Why do I want this book? I have been starting to look at using Zig’s wheel to set some goals in each of the areas, but based on John’s interview the next step is to create your growth plan. Few people set goals, and fewer yet set a growth plan of personal growth. As I go through the process of setting goals in each area, I would like to open the next “door” of growth and set a personal growth plan. This book would be key to opening that door.
Thanks John and Chris for this great interview.
I love that quote — I’ve always said that I don’t want to be the smartest guy in the room because I want someone to learn from, but I don’t want to be the dumbest either, because I want someone to teach.
Very nicely written. You’re on a roll!!
Must be something in the “rare air” around here. 🙂
That is excellent! I feel the same.
It is one of those things I am continually trying to teach my kids, if you want to get better compete against the better kids on the team.
Same in businees I guess if you want to challenge and grow your business go up against the best companies.
Boy do I love that quote too! Always be learning. I too am looking for a group of people with whom I can grow with. Happily, I’ve found a brilliant group…no, group is too formal – here I’d say I’ve found a brilliant family who has been there for me, and who I can be there for. I’d say here is a great place to start your search for growth buddies.
But I do feel that face to face is important. That’s where I’m finding it hard – still haven’t found who I’m looking for yet. 🙂
I need this book because I am constantly working on finding better and more intentional ways to grow. I’ve “always” had a desire to grow and have worked on it, but only became more intentional about it these past few years. One of the main focuses of my blog is personal growth, so this book would be an awesome addition for me to help others. This sounds like a book that would be good to get several copies of so I can pass it out to others.
Thanks for the great podcast! I love the law of the rubber band. Stretch outside your comfort zone, but still within your strengths. This is an awesome realization – our strength doesn’t stop with our comfort. I also love the idea of getting out of the class if you find yourself at the head – always be in the stage of learning, not arriving.
They’re giving away ONE book per winner… I think :0) Even if you want to share with others, you’ll have to play nice and share.
I hacked in and changed everyone’s submission to my address 🙂 I was implying that I could purchase additional books afterwards 🙂
I almost forgot to add the evil laugh …. MUAHAHAHA!
I would think Joshua could give one away on his blog!! It does seem to be amazing the attention something like this draws to a blog.
I was thinking of that, too. I actually have a couple books I’d like to give through my blog.
Joshua Rivers
For the past 29 years my parents, teachers and mentors have always told me I have such great potential. I believe them, but here is the rub. I feel that I’m at that pivotal time of life when that goes from being a complement to a jabbing accusation of inaction. My midsection is starting to feel the metaphorical bruises. No one wants to be the 40 something year old that “had so much potential”.
I find myself stretched between a budding new family and leader of an intimidatingly audacious para-church organization, http://www.visionatlanta.org. (Shameless plug!) I hope that this book can bring some incite into the question of, “how do you bring intentionality to an unpredictable and many times, chaotic life?”
That’s touching Lucas!
I’ve been on a journey of development for awhile both professionally and creatively for the past couple of years, but personal growth hasn’t really been a focus.
After finishing an MBA program last summer while supporting my family I’ve devoured books on story, leadership and writing, but none on personal development.
At 29 I think I’m overdue to focus on long-term personal development and construct a sustainable life plan. John’s book will be a great tool to get me started.
Thank you for sharing the interview.
I do not need Johns book.
My whole company needs Johns book/s!!
What a great thought, ” WE DO NOT GROW AUTOMATICALLY”
WOW! How simple but overlooked in our daily walk.
I will be listening and reading more of Mr. Maxwell.
Really enjoy your post that you bring daily..
Thank you
Chris Mapp
I’m just taking big steps toward a career transition into the ministry. The next four years will be years of dramatic change and development in my life. I’d love to read Mr. Maxwell’s book as one guide for this intense time of my life.
Congrats and good luck on your transition!
After watching John Maxwell’s webcast last night on this topic and now hearing it on this podcast (I’ll check to see if John talks about this in his section of SUCCESS Magizine), but I think God is trying to give me a hint. It is time to get moving. I have read enough…I have listened enough…I have attended enough…I understand enough…. I have warmed the bench long enough..BUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It is time for me to get motivated and moving and stop sitting and smiling. I need to put skin in the game.
That sounds to me a bit philosophical!!!
He guest posted for Michael Hyatt last week, too.
And you’ll have a lot of people cheering you on as you do.
I need John’s book because I am 36 years old, married with 3 kids under 3, and absolutely no direction in life. I suffered from PTSD after getting out the service and spent 10 years drifting in and out of reality. Now that I’ve gotten things together, I don’t know where to start. I’ve tried making goals, but I just can’t seem to stick to them. I can definitely say I have a flat tire as my family takes up a majority of my time when I’m not working at the job I can’t stand. It seems as though I am waiting for an opportunity to land on my head instead of going out and finding them. I believe this book can give me some insight on how to start making things happen for myself.
Thanks for sharing your story, Jason!
First of all, thanks for your service. Secondly, it’s definitely time to take the first step. And this blog family is a great place to find help to do it. You’ll find encouragement, advice, practical stories, and back-stabbing (well, in a loving-family kind of way). We’re here to help and cheer you on!
Jason, so sorry to hear what you’ve been through. I’ll second what Josh said. Hang out with us, we’ll figure things out along with you.
What @Lily Kreitinger:disqus and @jwrivers:disqus said! You’re among friends Jason – and while we might not be able to solve your problems for you, you for sure won’t be going it alone.
Jason, might I suggest a podcast from Michael Hyatt that you may find useful?
But most of all, keep on this. There is an ‘other side.’
Right now, I am planning to build my department and help them sustain on a stand alone basis through necessary competency and capacity augmentation measures. I wish to lead by example more than mere ornamental words.
I facing one of the toughest challenges of leading the department with highest attrition and facing hostility from all other functions.
I don’t really need the book – after reading the comments, I say give the book to Jason Chipman!
I do need to listen to the interview – thank you for squeezing this into your overloaded stressed out life, Chris. Still praying for you all.
I agree. Give Jana’s book to Jason! 🙂
Gotta love transparency and generosity
I know I already posted, but I just heard the podcast! And I must have listened to it back to back like 5 times before I moved on. That was awesome. I’ve been following John Maxwell for about 7 years now and between me and my wife e have his whole collection. Last night I watched his live webinar talking about his new books. Man I can listen to that guy ALL day. I always fill up on notes of John Maxwell. That man has grown my leadership exponentially and leaps and bounds since I came in contact with his materials. I ran from my leadership calling in the Lord since I was young and people kept telling me that I would lead God’s people in some capacity. His books helped me confidently embrace that call. From 2005 to 2012 (today), as a result of applying John’s teachings and by the grace of God, I’ve landed leadership roles as a lead trainer at Evangelism Explosion, I’ve pastored as a youth pastor a City of Praise Church and my own church called MIC Assembly Hip-Hop Church of God, I’m on the board of directors of Dead to Flesh Records Christian Hip-Hop Label. I founded MIC Assembly Leadership Equipping Network, and started my own online business called Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders, LLC where I train and equip Christian hip-hop artists to be leaders and better role models to the hip-hop ministry, industry, and culture. Plus on top of that I found out my name “Ricardo” means Powerful Leader and my last name “Butler” means Servant. God named me “Servant Leader”! How cool is THAT? lol!
This was one of the better podcasts from entreleadership and that, quite frankly, is a big deal. This is the most helpful podcast I listen to as a young leader.
Tomorrow, I turn 31, and I want to do all that I can for the Lord and for others. Though it was a quick statement in the interview, John said he met a lot of people with goals, but not a plan for growth. Wow! That’s me!
It’s time to plan so that I don’t get 30 years down the road and realize I missed the mark.
Great interview, Chris!
I absolutely loved this podcast. I am a young entrepreneur (under 30) and I can say that entreleadership has kicked my business into high gear. I have recently begun the start of a personal growth journey. However, I think I fell for the myth that there was a finish line. I am starting to notice (comparing myself to others) that I am actually growing. I think this book would really help me to plot a defined personal growth plan. (Also I would love to win a book…)
I’m with you Cotter – Entreleadership has been kicking both myself and my business in the butt since I started listening to it about..umm…shesh, not sure how long it’s been. But boy…have I learned a lot from this community.
I am working on building my growth plan too.
This podcast was so great! I will be re taking this session of my mobile university a whole bunch of times, and THERE WILL be notes, and there will be great actions taken as a result.
Favorite line: when you stop growing, doors stop opening.
And then there’s the rubber band = the only way that thing is useful is if you stretch it. How well am I stretching right now??
Loved this and will be sharing widely with my friends and business contacts.
Why do I need John’s book? Other than being a huge fan?? Well, the simple answer is: who doesn’t need to grow? None of us have it figured out, but I have been so encouraged at different points of my life through John’s writing before, so I would love to hear what he has to say about growth. Secondary answer? It just seems like growth is being flung at me through various avenues of life at the moment, and I can use all the advice and wisdom that I can get my hands on. 🙂
Why do I need John’s book?
Because there is always room to grow and need to plan it or I’ll end up growing weeds when I need to be growing veggies!
These ideas fit well with the whole “Learning Organizations” and having people who are always willing to learn and grow.
Great podcast and, as soon as I get home this evening I’ll be checking out the followup here.
I need Maxwell’s new book, because I am über inspired by people like Dave Ramsey and John. I run my own small business, and I’ve had trouble with personal growth since my unfortunate divorce, two years ago. Change the world one person at a time, start with yourself!
Powerful interview has peaked my interest in this book. Great stuff, we all need to continue to grow!
This was truly an “epic” segment. I popped this on when I had 20 minutes remaining in my one hour treadmill run – but ended up staying for the entire podcast. John says – “The biggest barrier to growth is thinking that it will happen automatically.” Wow – so true. I ordered the book for overnight delivery.
I have tried to be very diligent in my personal growth and feel this book would be that one extra tool to help guide me better through the process. I mean….it’s John C. Maxwell, who can’t learn from this leadership giant!?! And this book may help get me one step closer to becoming a “Quitter” (Acuff Reference :-))
I need John’s new book because as a young leader and entrepreneur now is the most important time to identify key areas of growth and not miss out of developing my talents into true skills. I don’t want to settle and I know these years are the most important in shaping habits, skills, and ambitions for later in life.
Chris and John … This was just the pick me up I needed … I was feeling pretty down today because I switched roles (because I got too good and ahead of my class in my previous role) and was doubting myself if this was a good decision … Your podcast reaffirmed my reasons. Your topics are always very insightful and I can’t THANK YOU enough for such a wonderful podcast.
Loved the interview, especially the comfort zone specific. “Stay in your strengths zone, but get out of your comfort zone within it.” Priceless. I’ll be implementing that right away. I’m in the middle of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership right now and looking forward to the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. In fact, today, as part of our discipleship process at church, I’m spending 4 hours with the Lord in prayer, going over what we call Roles & Goals, seeking to determine His will for this next phase of my life. I’m sure many delicious insights will come as I intentionally dedicate myself to growth. Again, great interview.
Why do I need this wonderful book that everyone needs?
Because I’m at the biggest opportunity for growth stage of my life, surrounded, I don’t know where to start. I have been developing into a completely different person, or rather the person I was always supposed to be. People are dropping opportunities in front of me, opportunities that throw me in the spotlight, demand leadership, and a person who knows how to grow. I know for me to accomplish the purpose God has for my life, I need to know what I’m doing in the intentionally growing department. Man, just typing all this makes me excited! –Thanks for sharing, Chris!!
Thanks for another great interview. From someone whose wheel of life has often been imbalanced, I look forward to reading the new book. The other Laws books have been a blessing, and I’m sure this one won’t disappoint. Chris, keep up the great work!
Awesome podcast. I’ve always been a huge fan of John Maxwell’s books and training. I think his book is coming out in a great time in my life. I’m at a point where i realize my business cannot grow and move forward until I do. Thanks so much for all the quality interviews
I believe in what John speaks of, and its not for me, it’s for my Boss I have been under 11 years.
Chris – I listened to entreLeadership podcast with John Maxwell. I went out and bought the book! Your interview with him was best one yet…thanks for introducing me to him. In all my reading I had never come across his books. I’m converted.
Great show. I always take pages of notes whenever listening or reading John’s advice. I loved “personal growth has been the greatest door opener in my life.” Thanks for the great podcasts!
My pleasure Tammy!!
What a awesome Podcast. Loved it
Thanks Gordon!!
what are the methods to participate in theses “classes”?I want someone to get information from, but I don’t need to be the dumbest either, because I want someone to teach.